Vincent Van Gogh Entrance To The Public Gardens In Arles
1888 Fine Art Painting
Beautiful vintage fine art wall decor.
Vincent Van Gogh Entrance To The Public Gardens In Arles

Vincent Van Gogh Entrance To The Public Gardens In Arles
1888 Fine Art Painting
Beautiful vintage fine art wall decor.
Vincent Van Gogh Grass And Butterflies
1887 Fine Art Painting
Butterflies is a series paintings made by Vincent van Gogh in 1889 and 1890. Van Gogh made at least four paintings of butterflies and one of a moth. The metamorphosis of the caterpillar into a butterfly was symbolic to Van Gogh of men and women’s capability for transformation.
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Vincent Van Gogh Ploughed Fields / The Furrows
1888 Fine Art Landscape Painting
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Vincent Van Gogh Green Field
1889 Fine Art Painting
Vincent van Gogh painted dozens of Wheat Fields (series of paintings), born out of his religious studies and sermons, connection to nature, appreciation of manual laborers and desire to provide a means of offering comfort to others. The wheat field works demonstrate his progression as an artist from the drab Wheat Sheaves made in 1885 in the Netherlands to the colorful, dramatic paintings from Arles, Saint-Remy and Auvers-sur-Oise of rural France.
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Vincent Van Gogh Head Of A Man
1885 Fine Art Painting
Peasant Character Studies is a series of works that Vincent van Gogh made between 1881 and 1885.
Van Gogh had a particular attachment and sympathy for the working class fueled in several ways. He was particularly fond of the peasant genre work of Jean-Francois Millet and others. He found the subjects noble and important in the development of modern art. Van Gogh had seen the changing landscape in the Netherlands as industrialization encroached on once pastoral settings and the livelihoods of the working poor with little opportunity to change vocation.
Van Gogh had a particular interest in creating character studies of working men and women in the Netherlands and Belgium, such as farmers, weavers, and fishermen. Making up a large body of Van Gogh’s work during this period, the character studies were an important, foundational component in his artistic development.